Tomahawk FW Swift S1 1:3.3 full composite kit
Our Swift S1 is designed for aerobatics as well as for allround use. When it comes to circling the plane needs to be piloted actively, however it's a model which climbs well in weak thermals. Fitted with a Ceflix 500 EDF and 12S it is an awesome aerobatic model which enthuses both pilot and audience. All routines can be piloted very accurately and it actually flies like an RC1 model. The airfoil thickness amounts to 8%, the wing is built in hard-shell technique and it is nearly impossible to dent its surface.
- Hochfester VollCfk-2-Klappenflügel mit spaltfreier Anlenkung/ all carbon wing with 2 flaps
- Sehr stabile Oberfläche, keine Dellen beim Transport mehr möglich / very sturdy surface, no more surface dents caused by transport accidents
- Flügel für Überkreuz-Anlenkung vorbereitet/ wing prepared for crossover servo linkage
- 20X50mm CFK –Vierkant Verbinder an der Hauptsteckung / 20 x 50 mm CFK main wing joiner
- Rumpfverstärkung mit UD-Gfk im gesamten Hauben- und UD–Cfk im Röhrenbereich/ fuselage reinforcements with additional glas fibres in the cockpit area and UD-carbon in the tail boom
- Kabinenrahmenmechanik mit Gasdruckdämpfer, Sitzwanne / canopy mechanics with gas spring
- Flügelverriegelung mit M6 Verschraubung, bereits fertig eingebaut / wing lock system with M6 screw installed
- Farbstabilität durch UV-beständigen Zwei-Komponenten-Lack RAL 9003 – Kein Vergilben mehr und gute Reparaturmöglichkeit / compound paint with high UV resistance
- GfK-Rumpfrücken lackiert, keine Naht sichtbar! / fuselage seam line painted over
*Price does not include shipping*